Please find attached your personal invite and details for our upcoming Ag Day at the Blaine Lake location. We are excited to be able to bring this wealth of knowledge to our community and think you will find great value in attending as well.
Author: super-admin
PDWA – Rescinded September 29th, 2021
Update – September 30th, 2021
September 21st, 2021
This Advisory applies to all residents and users in the Town of Blaine Lake’s drinking water system
and is effective Wednesday, September 22, 2021 at 10:00 a.m. until further notice.
Pursuant to clause 36(1)(a) of The Environmental Management and Protection Act, 2010 this
Precautionary Drinking Water Advisory is issued due to system maintenance causing
depressurization and, therefore, the safety of the affected portion Town of Blaine Lake’s drinking
water supply cannot be ensured at all times. Therefore, pursuant to Clause 36(1)(b) of The
Environmental Management and Protection Act, 2010, consumers must be notified to:
Abandonment of Poll
[Section 82 of the Act]
Whereas a poll is not required pursuant to The Local Government Election Act for the office of
Councilor: Town of Blaine Lake
I hereby give public notice that no voting for the said office will take place and that the following person is elected by acclamation:
Dated at Blaine Lake, this 17th day of September, 2021
Brenda Lockhart, Returning Officer
Drinking Water Advisory – Rescinded
Update: Rescinded September 9th, 2021
Precautionary Drinking Water Advisory (PDWA) will be placed on a portion of the Town of Blaine Lake (100, 200, 300 Blocks of1st Ave W) water distribution system and is effective immediately on Friday,
September 3, 2021 at 2:30pm until further notice.