School Partnership Project Survey

We are excited to partner with Prairie Spirit School Division (PSSD) on the development of our new K-12 school in the Town of Blaine Lake. They have asked us to contribute our ideas regarding the possibility of adding facilities onto the new school that would be for community use.

The current school is aged and in need of repairs which is largely the reason for the School Division deciding on new as compared to renovating. Council has reviewed reports provided by PSSD as to the condition of the infrastructure, mechanical state, air quality and structural repairs needed and have determined that utilizing the old school would be costly long term and not a viable option.

As they move forward, your Council wants your input and asks that you take 5 minutes (Yes – only 5 minutes!) to complete this survey. Please let us know what kind of facilities you would like to see included within the new school structure that would be for our residents to use and access outside of school hours.


Click Here For The PDF

Please Send Us Your Suggestions

Please enter your email, so we can follow up with you.
Your Thoughts: What type of facilities would you like to see that would be accessible to the Community (examples – library, fitness center, daycare, etc.):
Our new town council would love your input regarding what you would like us to focus on over the next 5 years. As we create our strategic plans and budgets early in the new year, your feedback is so important to us. Please give us the top 3 things you would like to see us accomplish!
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: With any project there is the decision-making process, but then there are the people that make it happen! That’s you – whether it is sitting on a Board - BLCA, spearheading a project or program to make it happen, or volunteering your time to make projects and programs successful. You matter and we need you. Please let us know your availability and area of interest in serving your community.

Special Council Meeting – December 7th, 2020


Due to restrictions placed upon us by Covid19, Council is holding their meeting at the Blaine Lake Senior Citizens Centre in order to allow for social distancing. However, all meetings remain open to the Public and should you wish to attend, please contact the Town Office to ensure the number of attendees is in keeping with the current provincial regulations.

Thank you.

  1. Approve Agenda
  2. Snow Removal
  3. 16 to 43 Waste Management
  4. School Partnership Project
  5. Staff Christmas Gathering
  6. Adjourn