The Town is in the process of making changes to it’s recycling program, so you may notice in the next month a change in the service provider, however, the schedule will remain the same. The next pickup is Friday, August 6, 2021.
Unfortunately, we have noticed an alarming increase in unacceptable material and items being placed in the recycling carts – items such as propane bottles, clothing, small household appliances, batteries, paint cans, carpet, animal waste – are not acceptable.
We would remind everyone that there is a difference between what is “recyclable” and what might be “reusable” and garbage. Recyclable items include plastics ONLY with a triangle on the bottom with the number 1 thru 7 in the triangle. No black plastic of any kind can by placed in the cart. Plastic bottles, milk jugs, tin cans (soup, food tins etc), cardboard boxes and paper are all recyclable. Everything else, even though it maybe “reusable”, goes in your garbage cart or to Sarcan for disposal such as batteries, electronics, paint cans. When in doubt, do not put in recycle cart, as it likely is not.
Please check our recycle page for more information or call the Town Office with any questions – Thank you